How does our discretionary portfolio management service work?
We start by understanding you— your needs, your goals, and most importantly your risks.
We are constantly evaluating the global macro-economic environment to establish forecasts for growth and potential risks— and because we understand the global environment and your needs, we then seek to build you a custom, diverse portfolio across various geographic economies.
Our belief is that success in investing is benefited by a focus on cost reduction. We employ a low turnover strategy for equities and we incorporate Exchange Traded Funds in our strategies. We feel strongly that there are opportunities in private equity, real estate and other alternative strategies.
We know that creating a portfolio that you will adhere to is the foundation to achieving your goals, and we are here to help you get there. Consistency in approach is paramount.
With 5 different investment mandates, and PMs with over 50 years of combined currency, trade, stock and asset management experience, Select accounts pay custom attention to your investments, to give your portfolio the results that you want.
Please feel free to call us weekdays between 9:00am and 5:30pm [EST] toll-free at 1-877-429-9779, or locally at 416-429-9779; or email us anytime at:
This strategy provides a very high degree of flexibility relative to the Balanced Income and Conservative mandates.
By its design the mandate is very tactical, with an ability to allocate amongst three defined asset classes – Income, Equity and Alternative Strategies.
In addition, the portfolio manager has the ability to allocate to products that have zero liquidity, with “locked-in” periods that can be many years.
Is the Growth Stream right for you?
The Growth Mandate is suitable for those individuals that can demonstrate a very high capacity and tolerance for risk. This stream is suitable for Investors seeking exposure to a portfolio that has the potential of higher returns, with little focus on tax advantaged income.
Investors that typically gravitate to this mandate show a strong desire for high growth with little concern regarding volatility. Investors tend to be able to withstand large drops in their portfolio over a protracted period of time without feeling uncomfortable.
Typically, investors in this mandate are in the accumulation phase of their investing lifecycle, have a high capacity for risk and are seeking high growth to meet their goals. Generally, this mandate appeals to those investors that have time horizons of greater than 10 years.
Not sure if the Growth stream is right for you? Contact us for an Accilent Select consultation.
The asset allocation in this mandate can vary, between 0% – 30% maximum Alternative, 0% – 100% Equity, 0%-100% Cash, and/or, 0% – 100% Income.
Equity investments have historically provided more volatility, but also have historically generated more return.
Due to the illiquid nature of this strategy, the higher than normal risk of loss and the ability to allocate 100% of your portfolio to equity, this portfolio is only suitable for clients with a high capacity and tolerance for risk.
30% iShares Canadian Universe Bond Index ETF: Seeks to provide income by replicating the performance of the FTSE TMX Canada Universe Bond Index TM, net of expenses.
100% iShares MSCI World Index ETF: Seeks to provide long-term capital growth replicating the performance of the MSCI World Index, net of expenses. Please see the blackrock website for more information and performance history:
In addition to providing potentially attractive investment returns, Flow-Through shares offer direct tax benefits. The tax benefits to an investor are based on two factors:
The ability to defer the sale of Flow-Through shares to a subsequent tax year allows an investor to defer their tax liability. Investors benefit from the time value of money associated with deferral of the tax liability. This tax benefit is further enhanced where the taxpayer has:
- Net capital losses carried forward (or potential to realize capital losses) against which to offset the capital gains from the disposition of the Flow- Through shares
- An expectation of being in a lower tax bracket when the capital gains on the Flow-Through shares are realized.
A 15% Investment Tax Credit (ITC) is available for the portion of an individual’s CEE that relates to certain qualifying expenditures. An ITC received in a particular year may be deducted from an individual’s federal tax liability for that year. To the extent that the ITC cannot be fully utilized in a particular year, it may be carried back 3 years or forward indefinitely and applied against federal taxes owing in any of those years. An ITC cannot be applied to reduce liability for Alternative Minimum Tax.
As a result of federal legislation relating to the taxation of royalties and similar payments, the major Oil and Gas producing provinces (Alberta, Saskatchewan, and British Columbia) allow extra tax credits which represent a refund of extra provincial taxes (or a portion of these taxes).Please refer to provincial tax information in the relevant province.
Renounced expenditures deducted by an individual taxpayer may affect the ability of the taxpayer to claim the $500,000 capital gains exemption in respect of sales of qualified small business shares and certain farm assets, as the taxpayer’s CNIL (‘cumulative net investment loss’) requires an inclusion of 50% of the deductions taken by the taxpayer in respect of Flow-Through share renouncements. The capital gains exemption is negatively affected by a positive CNIL balance.
Flow-Through Limited Partnerships are excellent vehicles for investors who wish to receive all of the tax benefits of Flow-Through shares plus portfolio diversification, professional management, and reduced risk.
Limited Partners who invest in a Flow-Through Limited Partnership in a particular year will receive, by March 31 of the following year, information necessary for them to complete their tax reporting for the previous year. Investors will receive form T5013A.
Accilent Capital Management Inc. is a boutique investment firm in the heart of Toronto, specializing in discretionary asset management, alternative assets and commodities. We build unique funds and portfolios covering both Income and Growth to diversify your portfolio with confidence that our solutions will become your returns.
With its roots in discretionary portfolio management, product design and discretionary referral solutions Accilent is uniquely positioned to create portfolios that blend private equity with public market solutions that result in enhanced diversification.
Accilent is registered as a Portfolio Manager, Investment Fund Manager, Exempt Market Dealer, in the province of Ontario. The Firm is also currently registered as a Portfolio Manager and Exempt Market Dealer in Alberta, British Columbia and Saskatchewan, an Exempt Market Dealer in Manitoba, and an Investment Fund Manager and Exempt Market Dealer in Quebec.
Accilent both creates and provides discretionary portfolio management for individual clients, advisory services for third party and proprietary funds, and structured investments.

Dan Pembleton CFA, MBA founded Accilent Capital Management Inc. in 2002 to provide investment advisory services for third party and proprietary funds, Individual managed accounts, and structured investments. He has been working in the financial Industry as a trader and portfolio manager for over 20 years. Nearly a decade of this time was spent with RBC Dominion Securities in institutional fixed income where he rose to the level of Vice-President Global Money Markets.
Mr. Pembleton is the Commodity Trading Manager (CTM) in addition to being Portfolio Manager for Accilent. Mr. Pembleton’s education includes an Honours BA in Economics and Business from Brock University, an MBA from Western’s Ivey School of Business and a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) designation in 1998 from the CFA Institute.

Mark Taucar, CFA manages discretionary client assets through Accilent Select. A unique offering that allows those qualified to be licensed as ARs, AARs, DRs to engage with clients and provide streamlined, cost sensitive discretionary management. Mark has built discretionary referral platforms for notable Portfolio Managers across Canada and engages with referral agents in the construction of streamlined referral operations that enhance scalability, profitability, portfolio design and compliance. Mark also manages assets for institutional and direct clients.
In the money management industry, we position ourselves to provide superior returns for investors by monitoring global developments and identifying the themes, styles, sectors, strategies and regions we believe will benefit the most.
We are devoted to providing up-to-date and leading edge technology to underpin our business and meet the scalability and low error rate thresholds that our clients demands.
Products sponsored by Accilent Capital Management Inc. (“Accilent”) are qualified for sale only in Canada unless otherwise specified. Products and services are available only in jurisdictions where they may be lawfully offered for sale and are restricted to Accredited Investors and Eligible Investors only as such terms are defined in the applicable prospectus and offering memoradum. Not all products/services available in all geographical locations.
Neither this website (“Site”) nor a prospectus for Accilent products constitutes an offer or solicitation. Nothing in Site is intended to constitute advertisement for promotion of such products/services in other jurisdictions.
Commissions, trailing commissions, management fees and expenses all may be associated with Accilent products. Please read prospectus before investing.
Site is not intended to provide specific individual advice (investment, financial, legal, accounting, tax). Site should not be used as substitute for personal advice from a representative of Accilent or its affiliated companies or an appropriate professional advisor.
For more info on any Accilent products, contact your registered representative. Please read the applicable Offering Memorandum or prospectus carefully before you invest, and only rely on statements made in such documents.
All products are subject to certain risks. Generally, investments offering potential for higher returns are accompanied by a higher degree of risk. These risks are discussed in the applicable prospectus.
Speculation or stated beliefs about future events, such as market and economic conditions, company or security performance or other projections are “forward-looking statements”. These forward-looking statements represent the beliefs of the speaker/author and do not necessarily represent views of Accilent or any of its affiliates.